Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Beef Emapanada, Pinoy


1 1/4 oz Pkg of double crust pastry
3 cups Ground Beef
1 tbsp Olive oil
2 tbsp Minced garlic
1/4 cup Very finely minced onions
1/4 cup Minced tomatoes
1 cup Chopped hard-boiled eggs
1 cup Finely chopped sweet pickles
1 tsp Salt
1 tsp Freshly ground pepper


Flatten the pastry dough and cut into 4-inch squares.
Saute the ingredients in a skillet, minus the pickles and eggs, and cook for about 25 minutes, until the beef is completely cooked. Drop in your eggs and pickles, blend them in thoroughly. Add salt and freshly ground pepper to taste. You may also want to include some hot peppers such as chipotle, or jalapenos.
Leave your mixture to cool for 1/2 hour, then drop large spoonfuls onto the pastry squares, fold into a triangle, wet edges with water, and use a fork to seal them.
bake the empanadas on a cookie sheet for 30 minutes in an oven pre-heated at 400º